
Martin Brossman & Associates (MB&A) offers an intensive Social Media Management Certificate Program in central North Carolina with an online program in development.

The program teaches a proven method for evaluating prospects and walking them through the Social Media management process to develop a plan and implement an ongoing, value creating, program.

The Social Media Management Certificate Program combines a beginning, intermediate and advanced course in Social Media for Business, with our proprietary 9 Phase Method for developing social media programs (research, interviews, plan development…) for clients (or your own business).

The course uses blended learning with classroom sessions over a 3+ month period, and videos and online content and resources support.

Learn about current Social Media Certificate training at MySocialMediaMastery.com

First class in RTP was offered March 2013, Pittsboro. A Spring Social Media Management Certificate Program will be offered starting March 2013 on Thursday nights 6 – 9 pm in downtown Pittsboro. Only 11 seats available. Fee $275 for a 14 week 42 hour course.

