After working with a number of micro and small businesses for several years, Martin Brossman & Associates has developed a Social Media Manager Training Program to bring you up to speed for work as a contractor, consultant or employee doing social media management.
In addition to the daily and weekly work of creating content, finding and following individuals and businesses, and interacting on a host of online sites, the program trains you in the philosophy behind social media management; the specifics about working with a new client or setting up a program from scratch; developing a plan and implementing it; creating a social media policy, a set of guidelines; and handling some of the challenges that come with being the voice and online interface of another business.
One thing you’ll discover, if you haven’t already, is that there are serious differences between industries. And there are regional differences, geography does matter. Even if McDonalds can look almost the same everywhere they are, they’re different in Preston in Cary. Places have rules and customs and interests.
And there are of course many individual differences between businesses within the same industry.
So there’s very little that is cookie cutter about creating and managing a social media program.
One thing we know, we’re experiencing a huge migration of businesses world wide into social media, to attract their own and future customers. And there aren’t enough people trained in the social media marketing and being social media managers. There’s work, at all levels, from unpaid internships, all the way up to expensive hourly rates for savvy consultants and trainers.
If you’re fascinated by the Internet. Love creating content and working in different media. Like strategy and online research. Consider studying with Martin Brossman & Associates and get qualified to start or continue working in social media.
To find out more