Come On Inside Training Director Martin Brossman with Founder Pat Howlett
On the last friday of every month, the Come On Inside small and micro business networking organization called “Inside919” gets together at the Business Networking Center in Cary for Final Friday.
Every month there’s a special topic of value to help small and micro business owners succeed in their businesses.
Martin Brossman is the director of training for the Come On Inside networks which span the United States and are organized by area codes.
Today’s discussion was “52 Questions” using the “Short Question, Short Answer” format the evolved from organizational and leadership development consultant, Dr. Thomas Grigg’s Novice Game.
Martin Brossman facilitated the “Final Friday” with questions suggested by the inside919 community prior to the event, and with some that arose during the session. Come On Inside founder, Pat Howlett interjected now and again, with key insights about small business success.
“The economic recovery is not going to come from on high,” said Howlett, “it’s going to come from micro business owners like you and me, doing things exactly like this, learning to help each other succeed in business.”
After the event, one new participant on Inside919 said, “One word sums it up, “Value”, there was so much value in this meeting. It exceeded the value I got from a high dollar consulting session.”
The community training focuses on how to build real and respectful business relationships, learning how not to promote, but instead to share on genuine value and experience. Based on what participants said in an end of session wrap-up, we are on the right track!